Facebook Marketing for Authors

 Book promotion is a must for every author who wish to sell more copies of his/her books.

Today I will be discussing about Facebook marketing.

Lots of people who tried Facebook marketing had a very bad experience with it.

What went wrong?

I will tell you.

Facebook community is so massive and keeps on growing daily. Lots of people uses Facebook for different purposes. 

Until you discovered this method that am about to share, you will continues to throw away your hard earned money doing Facebook promotion.

Few who understood this method are enjoying each and every promotion they create on Facebook.

On this note, I will boldly say that Facebook marketing for your books can only works if you apply this method.

1) Most people who uses Facebook hardly go there looking for books to buy. 

"Hold on," you might say. "How can this encourage me to market my books on Facebook?"

Since they are not looking for books to buy, how do I convinced them to buy.

First, make your books free for the period of your promotion. Everybody loves free stuff.

But not everyone will download your books even if is free.

How can you target the audience who will likely download your books?

While creating your ads, after targeting your country choices, move further to "Interest"

This is what makes the different. In this section, add as many interest as possible.

Search for the bestselling titles in your genre and add them one after another as your interests. 

If your books are in Amazon, search for 'Amazon Kindle' and add it as interest.

Everyone that has Amazon kindle will likely see your ads depending on the nature of your ads. 

Also search and add 'free books' 'book lovers' 'book clubs' and so on.

Having done so, be rest assured that your ads will generate more clicks and download which will eventually leads to paid audience and increase your books ranking.

That will be all for today. Remember to follow us for more tips.

Best of luck.


You may add more points that works for you in the comments to help other writers.


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